Metallic Text Generator at

Aug 6, 2010


Today many of the designers are designing concepts based on sustainability and environment friendliness. Also top on the priority is optimum utilization of available resources. On these lines comes the innovative design by India based Arun Thomas which as per him will come handy in the year 2020. Of course the idea is that the tractors may be used to take water to a destination and then the tank is designed such that it is self sufficient enough to pump water from and to the tank. Also the secondary cell attached produces electricity by converting the heat energy due to friction in other words its self produced energy through regenerative braking. A practical device with amicable solution.


  1. It will definitely helps India to serves their citizens as some parts of the country are not well equip with clean water resource

    Nur Azilah

  2. Actually,the idea of this technology is to allocate the resource in such a way as for all, including the environment, to have an adequate share without making any one group worse off, both now and in the future. However it still have many things to us consider first. To achieve sustainability, there must be a rethinking of what we consider a basic need.It is common in our society to say that we need a given resource, but how much of it do we really need to use? Also, how do we decide what the basic needs of our ecosystem and the organisms living within it are?Defining what constitutes a basic need is perhaps the greatest challenge to adopting sustainable practices in our daily lives, as interpretations of need vary widely from region to region, village to village and even from person to person. After all of this is properly done, this technology can be approached where all levels have the opportunity in the allocation and use of the resource.

